Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy is a subtle and profound healing form which assists the body’s natural capacity for self-repair.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch, hands-on therapy that enhances the body’s natural capacity for healing. It is a profound healing process which can release the deeply held patterns of disease – both physical and psychological – which accumulate throughout life as a result of injury and illness and become held into the body tissues, leading to ill-health and dysfunction.
Conditions we treat:
CST has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of physiological issues associated with pain and loss of biomechanical, systemic and emotional function/wellbeing. Craniosacral Therapy has been shown to be effective in the following conditions:
Eye pain/pressure
Sinus headaches
Ear infection
Head Trauma
Traumatic Brain & spinal Cord Injuries
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Chronic Neck & Back Pain
Brain fog
Digestive Disturbances
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
Chronic Fatigue
Learning disabilities
Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy (BCST) is a body therapy that resources and works with the existing health within the body to address physical and emotional injury or trauma.
Your body’s “Intelligence” knows what to do to run our bodies.
We have this blueprint of health from birth; it can get obscured, but it’s always there.
All the information to be ourselves is always there, in our original form.
By working with the organizing forces within the human energy system, Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy reconnects the body with its inherent health and vitality.
What am I doing while performing BCST?
In a sense, I am “listening” through high sensory perception to the tidal fluctuations of the Cerebrospinal fluid as they are being expressed through the cells and tissues and bones of your body.
Because we are in a Relational Field, I’m acknowledging what I am sensing back to your Nervous System, reflecting what is being shown.
You feel seen and heard and become the Witness to these old traumatic experiences and memories lodged in your body.
In so doing, they are dissolved for good.

How is Craniosacral Therapy different?
- Improves your ability to make contact with what you are feeling and sensing.
- Connects you to your core, your Essence, your true nature.
- A sense of well- being pervades – you feel calm, centered and focused.
- Improves mind-body unity.
What benefits will I receive?
- Relief from stress and trauma
- Restored energy and vitality
- Relief from headaches, head injuries and concussions
- Improvement in digestive disturbances
- Improvemed cognitive function
- Nervous, immune and hormonal systems are strengthened.
Our whole body approach provides therapy and solutions, including the Feldenkrais Method, to relieve all forms of chronic pain, not limited to back and neck pain, but also prevents you from being injured again. This approach provides for fast and permanent pain resolution.
Release in Craniosacral Therapy has led to greater ease, and even courage and resilience in times of hardship.

Doing this work, while there are undoubted physiological benefits, I have also found the emotional psychological discoveries to be especially rewarding and healing. I have felt unnamed emotional blockages which then manifest physically, begin to dissolve. I can feel how these blockages, compromising our psychological system, and thus making us too overwhelmed or fragile to courageously confront life’s inevitable difficulties, which further fuels unhealthy emotions, habits and views. Releasing these in Craniosacral Therapy has led to greater ease, and even courage and resilience in times of hardship. Some of the physical sensations have been bursts of tingling electricity throughout the body, which for me has a bit of an edge to it. Deepening relaxation and regulation of breathing has also come up. The modern world provides a challenge to physical and mental integration, i.e. wellbeing and stability. I think this work will open up new areas within people for those who decide to explore it.
I hope more people become aware of the benefits of both your cranial and Feldenkrais work!

After my hour session with Dr. Feldman on February 7, 2022, which included Feldenkrais and cranial work, I felt tired so I took a 45-minute nap. Not yet ready to fully wake up, I slept another 45 minutes at which point I started feeling releases in my lower extremities, releases that I feel when Dr. Feldman works on the cranial portion of my session. The releases continued for an hour, and I just gave in to them. As the evening progressed, I felt very relaxed and peaceful. The next morning, I felt as if I had gone through a rebirth or reawakening! I feel more like myself, more how I used to feel, more positive, light and open. These feelings are a part of me now. Thank you, Dr. Feldman, for this experience and those at your office. I hope more people become aware of the benefits of both your cranial and Feldenkrais work!