Web Resources
Feldenkrais Method®
Feldenkrais Guild® of North America
The Feldenkrais® Institute of NY
CranioSacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
The Upledger Institute
Upledger’s International Association of Healthcare Practitioners
Franklyn Sills’ Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy website
Moms Team – The Trusted Source for Sports Parents
Other Interests
Silver Tiger Tai Chi
Princeton Living Well
made a believer out of me!

I found Dr. Feldman by chance – I noticed his shingle as I was driving to work, and was intrigued by the combination of modalities he had listed. I decided to try Dr. Feldman because I had reached a point physically and mentally where I really felt off. I was uncomfortable in my body – no longer enjoying my workouts, and finding myself not able to handle stress as easily as I used to. I decided to try Dr. Feldman’s approach, and I have to say that I have been amazed. The combination of the modalities works well together, and is like nothing I have ever experienced. I feel great after every session, and for the first time in years I wake up every morning free from back pain (which I thought was arthritis) and ready to start the day. The adjustments are “sticking”, and I honestly feel that the Feldenkrais is literally reprogramming my body. Being from the pharmaceutical world, I am a natural skeptic concerning anything that is not 100% in line with Western medicine and traditional treatments, but the way Dr. Feldman approaches these therapies has made a believer out of me!