What MDs Have to Say

Slawek Wojtowicz, MD

I have been attending Dr. Feldman’s Feldenkrais® classes and private lessons for over a year. I have had a stiff neck and lower back pains for years, chiropractic treatment helped but positive effects didn’t last. Ed Feldman is an experienced, gifted and caring Feldenkrais practitioner – and though his office was 40 minutes away from my home, the drive was worth it.

Following regular work with him I have noticed an increased range of movement in my back, neck and shoulders and alleviation of lower back pain and neck and shoulder tension. Also a noticeably heightened awareness in general while moving i.e walking, running, sitting, standing. My body feels more free and less heavy – all that from rolling around on the floor making small subtle movements. But also on a general well being level, I have developed a more positive attitude as well as more confidence, energy and focus. I would recommend it to anyone from any walk of life seeking to learn and re-educate themselves into a better, comfortable and more harmonious way of being.

After the Feldenkrais® class I always have a really good night’s sleep and have a lot of energy the next day. I continued to have hourly sessions over several weeks, which had amazing results. My posture completely changed and I learned a great deal about how to correct it myself. I would thoroughly recommend Dr. Feldman and Feldenkrais® to anybody who is either suffering trauma through injury as well as correcting chronic ache or pain. I find it to be much more useful than standard physical therapy. I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method® can help older people achieve greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies.

Functional Integration® and Awareness Through Movement® work helped me to develop insight into how my body operates and how it compensates for old injuries. With a more solid understanding of “what is,” I can start to make intelligent choices about how I want to move, sit, stand, and just function.

After years of back problems, the Feldenkrais Method® has given me the ability to remain free of pain. They are by far the most effective and pleasurable exercises I have ever done. The Feldenkrais Method® is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration and function.

Deborah Ginsburg, MD

I am writing this letter on behalf of a practitioner, Edward Feldman, D.C., who may be helpful to you and your patients. Although originally trained as a chiropractor, Dr. Feldman has taken additional training in Cranio Sacral Therapy and the Feldenkrais Method®. Both approaches help where conventional modes of treatment have been unable to resolve chronic pain, headaches and other functionally related, stress induced problems. Both methods postulate that life is movement and once motion is restored, the body can begin to self regulate.

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a popular version of Cranial Osteopathy. It involves very light touch to remove restrictions to the intracranial and intraspinal membranes as well as the bones of the face, skull and sacrum. This enhances the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, a vital conductor of information and nutrition for the nervous system.

The Feldenkrais Method® works with changing habitual patterns of movement that cause chronic pain and limitation of movement. The aim of Feldenkrais® is greater efficiency of movement with less effort in order to maximize movement potential. The result is more power and strength for activities requiring pushing, pulling, reaching or any other movement. Practitioners of Feldenkrais® report greater ease of movement as they learn to use the whole self in all they do, whether it is vacuuming, raking leaves, doing housework or playing an instrument or sport. Non-force chiropractic is safe, effective, gentle and precise. It is especially good for the elderly, children and those who do not like to be cracked in the traditional chiropractic manner.

Dr. Feldman combines all three of these techniques depending on a person’s needs. He is very down to earth and accessible, spending time with the patients and listening to them. He explains what is going on, the treatment protocol and helps the patient discover ways they can prevent problems from recurring. If other medical care is indicated, he makes the appropriate referrals. His work is particularly helpful for those seeking to gain more control of their bodies, decrease reliance on doctors and practitioners to “fix” them, improve quality of life and increase tolerance to physical stress.

I myself have benefited greatly under Dr. Feldman’s care. After dealing with years of neck and low back pain unresponsive to many types of treatments, I sought consultation with Dr. Feldman. Initially treatment was twice weekly for several weeks, but now I see him every two to three weeks. I have less pain than I have had in many years and feel more energy and a greater sense of well-being.

Dr. Feldman’s office is located on Route 27 in Kingston. I heartily encourage you, your staff and your patients to take advantage of this valuable resource in our community. As more and more patients are turning to alternative health care practitioners for their medical problems, it is nice to know there is a competent, caring practitioner to refer to when necessary.

Family Health Center
666 Plainsboro Road, #640
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
(609) 275-0487

Kenneth Lipstock, MD

I am an Ophthamologist who examines forty to fifty patients a day in the office, and when in the O.R. I can be seated at the operating microscope for up to eight hours at a time. I discovered that my body was habitually “locked” into certain positions, and proper movement was quite a revelation to me. Dr. Edward Feldman has made me aware of these movements and positions, and this knowledge has opened up the door for a variety of movement options I now have at my disposal during my hectic work schedule.

The gentle hands on teaching method of Dr. Feldman so artfully employed, enables me to learn much about my body that I had previously not known related to functioning in it’s routine unconscious manner, which was harmful to my health and well-being. Thousands of musculoskeletal movements, requiring complex muscular group contractions and relaxations, had gone on continuously, and hitherto, unnoticed by myself. The gross movements required of my larger and more powerful muscles as well as the intricate movements demanded by microsurgery, (i.e. placing a microscopic surgical instrument within fractions of a millimeter of its intended target), were being carried on over and over, without any conscious attention to their strain on my system.The complexity of it all is amazing, and it’s a wonder how Dr. Feldman with his skillful hands on approach, is able to evaluate the individual’s kinesthetic gestalt and gradually bring to that individual’s awareness the unique movements he or she is utilizing.

It was Dr. Feldman who shined a light into my conscious mind, enabling me to become aware of habitual patterns and helping me to experience alternatives, so that I could have choices. And one choice soon became obvious to me as to its superiority over my previous habitual pattern of movement. By keeping my shoulders and elbow down, my instrument was then directed by my fine wrist and finger muscles and bones, and finer movements they were!! This shift in movement also had a calming effect on me. Contrary to common belief that relaxing one’s emotions will enable better, more graceful movement. I soon learned that just the opposite is truer and easier to accomplish. The change in movement has certainly helped me to become more relaxed and more skillful as a surgeon enabling me, to gracefully, provide the services I have been trained for.

And this relates to just one type of complex movement pattern. There are many we carry on everyday. Bending, standing, lifting, turning, twisting, etc. Thanks to Dr. Feldman my chronic low back problem has been minimized to a level I have not known for twenty years. I can actually sleep without tossing and turning due to back pain. And there are many other unconscious body movements I use daily which I have yet to learn an awareness of, which I look forward with anticipation to “visualize” with the help of Dr. Feldman, as I continue to add new movement options to my everyday life.


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