Reflecting on Sitting Workshop
July 2, 2009
Reflecting on Sitting Workshop
July 2, 2009

Our minds and our bodies

Recently I came across some sound tapes that promised instant enlightenment-the depth of meditation that it would take a serious zen meditator 10 years to achieve….. in a single setting.
The problem for me is Embodiment. Is my mind caught up with my body or vice versa?
I may feel all floaty and good afterwards, but am I, can I function in the world and relate to others?
Can I give myself over to my work life?
Another words can the depth of my experience integrate into all facets of my being? We are just beginning to realize how plastic the brain is. That the brain can form new connections. But it needs the right conditions to learn. We need to effectively communicate with the brain .I believe the person needs to” feel ” how to put the pieces together from the input it is getting. It is not a passive process. In fact it goes under the heading that the mind and body are One. Indivisible.
Just as the brain needs new information to stay vital and alive. It needs movement to form a connection between our Nervous System, our muscles , our skeleton and the environment around us. More than we may realize, we need to ground our expanded minds into our body.

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