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4 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractic Wellness Center in NJ
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Opt for Feldenkrais Method for Back Pain to Stay Fit and Active

Back pain is one of the most common health problems affecting people all over the world. In USA alone, more than 30% of the population is suffering from some or other kind of back pain according to the data release by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hectic lifestyle, lack of exercise or physical activity and inappropriate working posture are some of the common reasons, which cause back pain. There are times when, even after taking proper prescribed medical treatments by the doctor, the problem of back pain just refuses to ease away.

Feldenkrais method for back pain has proved to be the most effective treatment in curing such pain. The Feldenkrais method was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and is typically based on the principals of Biomechanics, Physics and understanding of developmental movement. The method helps to improve the connection between brain and body.

It employs gentle movements; therefore one reaps better benefits unlike other regular repetitive exercises, which cause a lot of muscular strain and pain.

Here are some of its major benefits:

  • The slow gentle movement gets at the root cause of muscular dysfunction, which is responsible for pain.
  • It increases your ability to sense yourself. Due to this, you are better able to sense the amount of strain you are putting on a particular muscle and avoid any unnecessary effort.
  • Focused movement helps in targeted resolution of problem. And with each treatment being tailor made as per the needs of the patient, the treatment is extremely effective and efficient.

So, if you are tired of taking unending medical treatments from your doctor, try Feldenkrais method to experience improvement in your back pain.

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