Thinking with Your Hands
March 21, 2024
Craniosacral Therapy
Why My Work Is Different
July 30, 2024
Thinking with Your Hands
March 21, 2024
Craniosacral Therapy
Why My Work Is Different
July 30, 2024

The Digital Disconnect

In our increasingly digitized, smartphone world, more than ever “it’s time to smell the roses.”

Yet, we rarely look around us. Rarely take in our environment or even worse don’t go outside to be in Nature. As a result we are increasingly disconnected from ourselves, from our feelings, from our sensations, and from knowing who we are.

It’s sad!

Because this lack of attention to what we are feeling and sensing is making us more depressed, more anxious, more wooden in our responses to others.

How can any relationship survive if you don’t know where you end, and the other person begins? How can we be discerning and use our critical thinking skills if we are not connected to ourselves? How can we be in relationship if our deepest, suppressed feelings are held, stuffed in our bodies?

It starts with Awareness of what you’re thinking and feeling inside .

Memories and feelings from childhood that we weren’t allowed to express, or even worse didn’t feel safe enough to register to ourselves at the time they happened, stay inside. They don’t just go away; they are living in our bodies.

As best selling author Bessel Van Der Kolk so clearly describes in The Body Keeps the Score, these memories and feelings are causing pain, dysfunction and fatigue.

All the rancor and all the miscommunication that happens in the digital world actually makes it harder to communicate and only brings about more strife, more separation and less closeness.

Ultimately bringing less happiness and peace within ourselves.
And critically to the world around us.

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