Completion of Somatic Experiencing Training
October 23, 2024
Completion of Somatic Experiencing Training
October 23, 2024

Patient Story: Therapy for the Mouth and Jaw Pain

Therapy for Mouth and Jaw Pain image

“I just finished an hour session of CranioSacral Therapy.  I came to Dr. Feldman to work on my jaw because of arthritis in my jaw joint;  I have difficulty opening my mouth and I have terrible muscular tension throughout my face. Cheeks and mouth tension adds to terrible discomfort throughout my face everyday.

After today’s session, here are the dramatic changes that I am listing below:

  • The shape of my face externally reflects how Dr. Feldman’s work is able to shift the alignment of the jaw, and the alignment of the gums as well.
  • My teeth come together differently. The jaw (bottom) has descended; opening up the interior space.
  • My teeth are not clenched.
  • The inner “chamber” of my mouth feels spacious, like the inside dome of a cathedral. There is space between the upper and lower jaws. They are relaxed.
  • I feel gravity acting on my lower jaw and my tongue is relaxed.
  • My windpipe has opened, and I feel a spaciousness in the back of my throat and a subtle flow of air.
  • There is space within my nostrils and breathing is open up there too.
  • There is space between my nose and my mouth.
  • My face is relaxed, cheek tension is released and my eyes feel like the sockets are more at ease.
  • My whole head feels lifted to the crown; and my breathing is better.
  • My head sits lighter and floats off of my neck-free from my shoulders.
  • My shoulders are dropped down away from my ears.

I encourage any practitioner within the field of dentistry, especially endodontists and periodontists to please work with Dr. Feldman.”

Wendy L.

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