Therapy for Mouth and Jaw Pain image
Patient Story: Therapy for the Mouth and Jaw Pain
December 5, 2024
February 5, 2025
Therapy for Mouth and Jaw Pain image
Patient Story: Therapy for the Mouth and Jaw Pain
December 5, 2024
February 5, 2025

Why I am Passionate about my Work

Why I am Passionate about my Work - Edward Feldman

Because I have a passion for Learning.
Real learning, not the rote learning we are taught to do in school.

It’s also about making mistakes in learning in order to gain an understanding of something new.
It takes a willingness to look foolish or be comfortable in not knowing. Being willing to stay in that state of not knowing until you finally find the answer.

Think of solving a math problem that eluded you, or figuring out a new route home. You have to use a part of your brain in a new way. Engaging a novel way of looking at the problem.

In the Feldenkrais Method, the reason it differs from yoga and pilates and just about any form of exercise out there, is that you have to think, sense, feel and move at the same time.
You can’t just copy the teacher or look in the mirror or copy your class mate.
You have to go within yourself to figure it out.

And more importantly, you have to sense and feel what you are doing.
You have to access the same sensate process you employed as an infant in order to learn to crawl, walk and talk.

It’s an organic process.
It can’t be thrust on yourself from the outside.
You have to be your own teacher.
You are the Initiator.
You have to figure it out.

You generate the movement from within.
You become self directing.
And in the process, you attain real self confidence and comfortability and authenticity within yourself.

I use this learning process with my clients.
As long as they are receptive and open to what I am teaching or saying to them, I get activated.
We learn together, gain a true understanding of the problem and find lasting solutions together.

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