post Feldenkrais lesson
December 11, 2009
Unconditional friendship with oneself
September 9, 2011
post Feldenkrais lesson
December 11, 2009
Unconditional friendship with oneself
September 9, 2011


After my tutorial in Biodyamic CraniSacral Therapy, Saturday July 23rd, 2011: I am reminded once again, why this work is so powerful; why it holds such a special place in my heart.
It reminds me of all the things we spoke about in today’s session with Shannon, but at a” felt “sense.
Another words; “allowing the person to be as they are.” seems to me so respectful. So humble.
“Being in my midline” really means being in my center-where I am truly respectful of the other person and myself..
Being in my core gives the client space.
“Finding the quality of the holistic shift”-allows me to perceive the client’s wholeness, but I , in turn enter into that state of wholeness, as well.

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