Influencing an Enormous Cultural and Paradigm Shift
February 24, 2020
Centering and Grounding in These Uncertain Times
April 23, 2020The Best Defense is a Strong Functioning Immune System

The best defense against Pandemic Panic, as I call it, is to have a strong and resilient Immune System.
Yes, certainly you should not go out if you are feeling ill with upper respiratory symptoms.
Yes, you should wash your hands and use a strong anti-microbial soap.
Of course, you should practice social distancing to avoid spreading contamination.
And yes it would be advisable to wear latex gloves if you do go out and touch surfaces.
But I can’t emphasize enough, the best defense is a strong functioning Immune System.
That’s why the elderly and people with compromised Immune Systems are most likely to suffer the most if they contract the virus.
In order to keep your Immune System strong, try keeping a clean diet. For example, eliminate sugar, and take whole food supplements and herbs. If you have questions, I would be happy to address them by email (edward.feldman8@verizon.net).
Stop watching TV and scaring yourself to death. This pandemic seems worse to me than 911, in the scope of the panic and fear it is engendering. Remember then, it was wise to take a break from the horrific images being played over and over again on TV. All it’s doing is revving up your Nervous System and keeping you in Fight or Flight, or even worse, Freeze.
Meditate to get back to your true nature – who you really are.
Take some time to find the Witness – “the one who knows” in yourself and can “hold” what is happening with kindness, compassion and light-heartedness.
Find a good movement practice such as the Feldenkrais Method, that enables you to “pause” and gain some Awareness of what’s happening inside your body – to find more choice, safety and health.
Finally, In order to keep your Sanity, take this time to pour your energy into rational productive work in the face of this mass hysteria.
Good luck and enjoy some time with your family at home,
Dr. Feldman