Why I am Passionate about my Work
January 30, 2025Neutrality

Many of my clients don’t appreciate what this term means.
Many of us look for the feel good sensation to think that we’re ok.
But in fact, if something isn’t prominent in your consciousness, it usually means it is working fine.
That’s the best we can expect.
Only when there is pain, irritation or inflammation, are we called to notice that body part.
Neutrality is a good thing.
It means we are functioning fine.
Therefore, we don’t have to pay attention to it.
I remember standing on the corner of Broadway and 72nd St. in NYC (a very busy intersection after just having had a Feldenkrais lesson) and noticing and realizing, I felt calm and centered.
The whirl around me didn’t affect me.
My aching left shoulder and chronic low back pain wasn’t at the forefront.
It wasn’t drawing my attention.
I was just able to Be.
This is neutrality.
Not having to put your attention on anything is a healthy state.