Your Nervous System Knows How to Organize You
January 3, 2024
Observation: Feldenkrais in Action
February 6, 2024Winter Snow Shoveling

I hope you are staying safe in this weather.
But here we are in the middle of an ice storm. And I don’t know about you, but I am sore and tired from shoveling and putting ice melt down. These 50 lb. bags are heavy; as I transfer salt into a small bucket to spread around the doorsteps and office entrance for my patients.
I didn’t realize how much it had affected me, until I got down on the floor to do a Feldenkrais lesson. And started moving my spine and my ribs in coordination with each other.
The lesson was ostensibly for the shoulders and upper back. But of course it involved moving my entire spine and ribs. Not to mention my shoulder girdle, chest, shoulder blades and clavicle. Again, all in a coordinated way with my spine and ribs.
I keep coming back to the ribs, because they are so vital in accessing your spine and the center of you.
If you are not moving from the center of yourself, most likely you are straining your shoulders and arms.
So once again, afterwards I feel so much better.
More relaxed, but less tired and energized.
And of course the soreness is gone!!!!
Why not come in and try a Feldenkrais lesson and experience the Immediate Results the lessons offer.
Call now for a free 15 minute consultation.