June 11, 2009

Our minds and our bodies

Recently I came across some sound tapes that promised instant enlightenment-the depth of meditation that it would take a serious zen meditator 10 years to achieve….. in a single setting.The […]
July 2, 2009

Reflecting on Sitting Workshop

People often ask me what is the difference between Feldenkrais and chiropractic. Or even how is it different from yoga? In a nutshell, in the Feldenkrais Method, we are not […]
December 4, 2009

Accessing Resources-Liquid light

We’re at our quarterly Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy training segment, and the exercise is to access our resources to help titrate a pain in the body. To connect to the pain […]
December 11, 2009

post Feldenkrais lesson

What are the after effects of a Feldenkrais lesson?Take the case of Louise , a 73 year old retired school teacher with chronic right hip pain and sciatica, a head […]
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